
Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially of the spine.

Dr. Mark Vettraino is a distinguished professional with extensive experience in various areas. He has held executive positions in prominent corporations, established chiropractic clinics in both Arizona and Michigan, and taught wellness and ergonomics at Oakland University and Oakland Community College, in addition to serving as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Virginia.

Dr. Vettraino has authored numerous articles and papers on cumulative trauma disorders in the workplace in trade and professional journals, co-authored two books, and collaborated with several Fortune 500 corporations to improve or establish their wellness and ergonomics programs. Additionally, since the mid-1990s, he has consulted with most of the office furniture manufacturers and developed anatomically friendly products.

Dr. Vettraino’s achievements also include his work in teaching ergonomics to the National Institute of Health wellness team, and developing the online ergonomics curriculum at Life University, which is highly regarded in the field.

Dr. Mark completed part of his undergraduate work at the University of Northern Iowa, where he earned an NCAA football scholarship as a running back. After two years and too many injuries, he was sidelined and transferred to Western Michigan University. Later, he played hockey for Amoco Oil Company and Life University. While a student at Life University, he was assigned the position of student athletic director.

Dr. Vettraino’s extensive experience and accomplishments make him an asset in the field of wellness and ergonomics, and his contributions to the industry are noteworthy. Dr. Mark Vettraino is a National Board Certified licensed Chiropractor, a Certified Ergonomic Physician, and a MIBOSO practitioner. Born and raised in Michigan, he is now a twenty-year resident of Woodstock, Georgia, with his wife, Kelly. They had four children: Adam, Meghan, Sarah (passed), and Heather.

Dr. Mark Vettraino is a distinguished professional with extensive experience in various areas. He... Read More

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Located at: Oaks Senior Living at Elijay, 114 Penland St , Elijay
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